Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stale ducks

Went out at the beach and it was slow. The widgeon flew out of the area and onto the lake as usual. We need new ducks at this spot. Nothing is coming over to the blind. All the ducks tend to stay at the west side of the pond. Only one teal for me today.

So this brings my total to 74 ducks and 2 geese:
7 Spoonies (Shovelers),
5 Buffleheads,
4 Bluebills (Scaup),
7 Mallards,
1 Ringneck
1 Gadwall,
2 Common Merganser,
10 Pintails,
9 Green-winged Teal,
28 Widgeon,
1 Speckle Belly Goose,
1 Cackler Goose.


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