Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3rd Race - April 17

Well, I completed my third MTB XC race. I wasn't expecting to race, but we came home early from turkey hunting. The weather at Colville was horrible; cold and wet. The turkeys weren't vocal and we only managed to find one tom on opening day and of course we ended up spooking it.

We came back a day early and I figured I might as well jump in the last race of the Budu series at Maple Valley. I've never ridden this course so I wasn't sure what I was getting into. It was all good, as my only expectation was to finish. They originally said it would be two laps, but we only ended up doing 1 lap.

At the start, a guy behind me clipped my back wheel going into the first turn. He ended up crashing. I kept up with my group at the nice switchback climb and onto a fire road. Once we got into the single track is when it all fell apart for me. I just could not get into the rhythm and I lost a lot of time making stupid mistakes.

I started to do better in the last 3/4 of the course, but by that time it was too late. It was after all just one lap. I came in last in my group at 45 mins. The winner finished at 36 minutes.


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