Monday, May 25, 2009

Westport Halibut Hunting

We were rewarded with decent weather at the opener and on the second Sunday. The Westport sport fleet was on the hunt. Our spots from last year are right smack in the middle of the new closures at Grays Canyon. We're now forced to fish in much deeper water of up to 800 ft.

The first Sunday was a bust. I was looking at the wrong places. The fleet was concentrated on a particular spot and was catching. I was too stubborn to follow the herd and kept looking around. After the better part of the morning was gone with nothing to show for it, I finally broke down and fished with the rest of the fleet. We only found one fish before it was time to get back.

The following Sunday was a different story. The spot was loaded with the sporties and charters. I dialed on the drift and we got our limit with the biggest at 40 pounds. Matt had the hot rod with 4 hook-ups. I had 2.


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