Centerpin Steel
It's 2007! My fishing resolution this year was to learn a new technique and to do more steelheading. I chose to try using a centerpin setup. The centerpin has no drag whatsoever and is designed specifically for float fishing. Casting a centerpin rig is a challenge.
I had to do some research a get a 30 minute video to show me how to do a basic spinning side cast. It's too difficult to explain in words and its something that has to be seen to understand the motions.
Anyway, Tim planned on a steelhead outing to the OP and I was up for the trek. We decided to drift the Humptulips instead of the crowded Wynoochee. I got lucky and took the steelhead shown above with my brand new centerpin rig. It was definitely different having to palm the reel constantly while fighting the fish.
I had to do some research a get a 30 minute video to show me how to do a basic spinning side cast. It's too difficult to explain in words and its something that has to be seen to understand the motions.
Anyway, Tim planned on a steelhead outing to the OP and I was up for the trek. We decided to drift the Humptulips instead of the crowded Wynoochee. I got lucky and took the steelhead shown above with my brand new centerpin rig. It was definitely different having to palm the reel constantly while fighting the fish.
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