Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tuna Finally

Finally, a break in the weather. All the forecast sources seem to be in agreement. I was looking at 4 -5 foot seas at 10 seconds with little wind. I had to take the time off if I want to get some tuna. I went ahead and took Friday off. I called Matt to see if he was available. Luckily, he's able to clear his schedule.

3:00 a.m. on Friday morning came fast. I barely slept. We top off the fuel and we're off to Westport. We get to the ramp still dark and had to wait till about 6:30 a.m. before crossing the bar. Easy bar crossing and we're off to the races doing about 24 mph. About a hour into the run my temp outboard alarm goes off. The starboard motor was overheating. I shut the motors down and checked the intake. Sure enough seaweed and grass were stuck. I clear the obstructions and fired the motor back up.

We kept going to our numbers 47 x 125.03. We got to that spot at around 8:30 a.m. I put the lines out while Matt ran the boat to trolling speed. We hook up one about 10 minutes into on the cedar plug. A few minutes later we had our second on a Zuker clone. Then it was dead for the next 2.5 hours.

We worked our way to 125.10 and saw the commercial boats and a few other sporties. At about 1:45 the bite finally turned on and we put 6 in the box by 2:30 a.m. Not wanting to miss a good bar crossing, I decided to go ahead and head in. Hate having to leave a nice bite, but oh well.

The pic is a little bird who needed a rest stop. Not sure what it was doing out 40 miles offshore.


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