Sunday, January 29, 2012

Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm

Picked up my new pistol. This one will be for home defense duties.

End of 2011-2012 Waterfowl Season

Last weekend for waterfowl. Saturday I took Tom to the Brady spot. With no wind predicted, we knew it was going to be a tough hunt. Had some birds before shooting time. Had 2 widgeon fly by and I took 1.

Sunday we headed to the Willapa. Weather forecast was very different with rain and breezy conditions. We got to shoot at some birds. Tom took a fat drake mallard, and I took 2 drake mallards and 1 hen mallard.

I ended the season with half of what I shot last year. It's over, until next year.

Season Count:
Pintail 8
Mallard 12
Widgeon 10
Teal 6
Spoonies 7
Bluebill 2
Gadwall 1
Goldeneye 1
Bufflehead 3

Total Count 50

Monday, January 23, 2012

Almost to the end

A week ago, I went with Marc and Tim R. to try to shoot geese on a feel free to hunt field in Brady. Marc and Tim got there first, but they were still beaten by 2 army guys. They were nice enough to let us hunt with them. We had a pretty decent spread and there were a lot of geese around.

We had a group circle us 3 times but they bumped off. We found out why. Another group of hunters set up just upwind of us and they were still setting up. We didn't even know they were there in the dark. At that point I knew our hunt was over. We stayed till noon without success and despite lots of birds around.

I tried the same field again this past Sunday, but this time I was going for ducks. I had scouted the southern part of the field which was half flooded. When i got there another truck was already parked at the first parking spot directly across the trees and pond. I talked to them briefly to make sure I wasn't going to be too close to their spot. It was all good.

The filed was muddy! I set up just north of the slough with about a dozen dekes. There were lots of ducks flying before shoot time. I forgot my damn duck calls and knew I was handicapped. I had one group get close and I shot 1 down. As it got lighter, the ducks were flaring and probably because I wasn't blended in that well. It's hard to hide in this field with nothing on it.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Where did they go?

After two weekends of no hunting (we were in NC visiting the grand kids), I was eager to get back out on the field. Saturday, Tom came out with me armed with his brand new Browning Citori O/U shotgun. I opted to hunt the river spot on the Willapa. Not much wind and no ducks, except for the 3 mallards that came and went before shooting time and the 4 buffleheads Tom shot.

I went back Monday and only had 1 duck at shooting time. 1 shot, 1 kill. Hen mallard. Didn't see anything else fly. Don't know what happened to the ducks, but there's barely anything out there.

Season Count:
Pintail 8
Mallard 9
Widgeon 9
Teal 6
Spoonies 7
Bluebill 2
Gadwall 1
Goldeneye 1
Bufflehead 3

Total Count 46