Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bassin' in MD

I just came back from Baltimore, MD. I participated in my nephew's christening - I was the godfather. My brother managed to squeeze in a bass fishing trip for me. He hooked up with one of his bass club fishing buddies and got us seats on the bass boat.

We opted to fish the Susquehanna River north of Baltimore. The day was actually pretty windy and we took a beating on the bass boat. I forgot how fast those things fly. All my bass skills were still there and was able to pitch and flip like old times. Most of our fish however came from crank baits. I even caught a 10 inch striper. Most of the bass were small until my brother's buddy hooked into what looked like a 6 lbs smallie. Unfortunately, that fish came unbuttoned at the boat. It was exciting to see though.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Humptulips exploratory trip

Tim, Bryan, and I gambled on fishing the Hump last Saturday. The weather forecast called for occasional showers. Wrong! How about frequent deluge with occasional showers and 50 mph wind gusts as a bonus. I don't mind fishing in the rain, but this was the worst soaking I've ever had. Luckily it wasn't too cold, otherwise it would have been very painful.

The water was pretty colored up and rising fast when we got there. We gave it a shot anyway. We didn't see any fish or touch any fish. On top of that my digital camera got soaked and of course it doesn't work now. It's going to be a long winter.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Fall already?

It's hard to believe it's already October. I haven't had much time to fish. I've missed my beloved Skok King run and everything else in between. My new boat, well, is still new with less than 10 hours on the motors. I have one more chance to take her out before it's time to get her winterized and put away.

It's going to be a long winter!