Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fun Day in the Blind

Rain, rain and more rain. Tom and I headed to the beach expecting Clint to join us. Turns out he headed off to the other spot. We had a good shoot with limits for the both of us.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Waterfowl Season Underway

Shot my first banded bird today. It was a drake pintail. Also shot a couple of teal and 1 cackler goose.

Shot some ducks at the opener. Jafet and Tom also got in the action and shot a few birds as well. Mostly Teal, Mallards, Widgeon, and a Pintail.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuna fishing

Wow. It's been awhile since I posted. Neah Bay didn't go so good. I didn't get another opportunity to target salmon this summer due primarily to my new duties at work. I did get to do 4 tuna trips on my boat. !st trip was with Tim and Lito. 21 fish all except 1 were caught on the troll. beautiful flat day. Second trip was with Eli, Keith, and Brian. Wide open on bait fishing and we took home 30 fish. Third trip was To, Eli, and Kandi. We took 16 fish. A little bit spotty and couldn't quite crack open the bait fishing. Fourth trip was a bust with only 2 fish. Super sunny and flat. Fish were very skittish, scattered and deep.

Overall tuna season was great with the runs averaging about 37 miles only compared to the 50 to 60 mile trips in past years.