Sunday, January 16, 2011

Last ducks for the 2010-2011 season

This was probably my last hunt. I couldn't quite decide where to go. At the last minute I decided to join Tim and Clint at the beach spot. I got there at around 6:30 but the weren't there. Foggy and dark, I made my way to the blind. There was another car already parked at the parking lot so I had to be careful not to run into other hunters. I made it to the blind to find it empty. I set up my decoys and hunkered in.

By shooting time, I had my sights on mallard standing on the point. Just before I was about to shoot, I heard geese take off from my right side. I looked and they were going to fly close to the blind but behind. I decided to swing for the geese. I shot one down but couldn't turn anymore to shoot at the others. I swung back to the mallard only to find it taking off and out of range. The goose was my first honker!

Nothing else flew after that except for buffleheads. When Clint and Tim finally made it out for the afternoon hunt. I already had 5 buffies (2 drakes and 3 hens) and 1 common hen goldeneye. Clint took off to jump shoot the west side and Tim and I stuck it out in the blind. I decided to walk to the marsh and sit on the traffic area to pass shoot. I got lucky and took down a hen gadwall which flew right towards me. I had my limit.

The widgeon were still around but would not come close to the east side where our blind is at. Tim tried it where I was, but got nothing. Clint ended up with 5 birds.

This brings my season total to 81 ducks and 3 geese:
7 Spoonies (Shovelers),
9 Buffleheads,
4 Bluebills (Scaup),
7 Mallards,
1 Ringneck
2 Gadwall,
1 Common Golden Eye
2 Common Merganser,
10 Pintails,
9 Green-winged Teal,
28 Widgeon,
1 Speckle Belly Goose,
1 Western Canada goose
1 Cackler Goose.