Monday, August 23, 2010

Westport Tuna, Sunday 8/22

Sunday forecast called for 4 x 10 with 10 kts wind. I got a crew together and decided to run and go for one more load. Buddy boated with Stacy again and Lawrence. On the way out at around 35 miles I run over some rope. Engines stopped and we had to cut the rope. I thought our trip was over. Luckily the engines fired up and after some tense minutes of observing and listening for anything weird coming off the engines, we were back on our way.

This time the tuna weren't as close as last Sunday. We had to go 50+ miles to find fish. We found some small pockets and really couldn't get the bait stop going. We would catch ones or twos and then back on the troll we go. We had one bait stop for 5 fish and had one more that got us probably another 12 fish. The rest were on the troll.

Carried 60 bags of ice and 4 adults with no problem. 60 bags would be good for 35 properly iced fish.

Boat is going to Charlie for a check. I got a Rev Limit light blinking while flushing the starboard motor. Gonna get that checked out too.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Westport Tuna, August 15

Weather finally got nice. Made a tuna run out of Westport. Ran out with buddy boat Stacy and his crew. Only 38 miles when we found some fish. Quickly put 10 fish on board on the troll. Once we got the live bait going, it was wide open bite. We kept 28 but lost probably another 15 fish. We stopped fishing when we ran out of ice. Incredible experience for everyone on board.

Just a note to self: carried 40 bags of ice - not enough for 28 fish. Probably good for 20 properly iced fish.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Neah Bay 2010

This was a very different trip than last year. The weather was crappy. It was cold, damp, and windy. We couldn't get outside on the first two days. When we finally got out on marginal weather, I couldn't hold the troll it was so bumpy. We still got our fish. Nothing huge. The salmon were at Swiftsure and the rockfish were around the coast.

Jafet had a great time rock fishing and he finally got his first king. A few equipment breakdowns, but thanks to Bryan, he fixed my cabin lights and the kicker remote steering system. I also encountered a bug on my radar. It would give the "no pulse heading" error. It would work intermittently for some reason and I couldn't figure it out.