Monday, May 17, 2010

First Hali for Brian and Brad

Had another opportunity to get some halibut. Tides were big so we opted to start late in the morning to avoid the ripping ebb tide. Water heading out wasn't too bad, there were patches of wind here and there but got better the farther we got. We headed to the north spot and right off the bat it's dog fish city. We kept moving around until we got all 3 halibut. Nothing of size though, just cookie cutter chickens. No photo as I forgot to take some.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Westport Halis 2010

Good first ocean run for the season. Water was crappy in the morning with stacked up wind waves. It took us 3 hours to get 40 miles to the canyon. The charter was out there too. Caught lots of dog fish. We started hooking halibut at the tide change. Nothing huge, all chickens. Run back was easier and was at the dock in 2 hours.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Hood Canal Shrimp Opener 2010

Looooong day at the canal. First, I totally forgot to pack the pot puller with us. I had to go all the way back to Olympia to get it. Thankfully, Mike was on board and was able to helm the boat. The good news is that we took our limit for 5 in 2 pots! It was awesome seeing that much shrimp in one pot.