Monday, June 15, 2009

Westport still kickin' butts

Westport is till open for Halibut so I convinced Duane to take his boat out. My boat is still in the shop getting a new engine monitor gauge for the port motor. Forecast was off as we hit some bumpy water on the way out. We got our limit for 3 in no time at the usual spot west of the closure. It was nice coming back in and was close to the forecast. The bar at low tide was a little lumpy but still good to cross.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Neah Bay Halibut

Put together a short trip to Neah Bay to take advantage of the last 2 days for halibut. Duane and Kieth and Marc went along with me. It was the flatest I've ever seen Neah Bay. It was just absolutely gorgeous water and weather. We got out limits of halibut and rockfish on the first day but missed out on the lings. We had to leave early due to motor problems.

Another Westport Sunday

We got another weather window for a Sunday Westport Halibut run. Forecast called for 5 x 7 but with very little wind. I gathered up a crew and Kandi joined us for this run. I was a little worried if Kandi would be able to take the forecast.

We made good time to the hali spot and Kandi actually got the first keeper fish to the boat. She got a nice 20 lber and Bryan followed suit with his own 20. Marc struggled to hook a keeper size. He did release 3 smaller fish. I took a 42 lber.