Friday, November 30, 2007

A Day at the Olympic Penninsula

I got a chance to head out to the Bogachiel the Saturday after thanksgiving with Tim and Clint for the day. We were hopeful that we'd tangle with a couple of hatchery steelhead. Apparently we were a little too early. Clint did hook up one with his fly gear no less, but he lost it. At around 11 a.m. we headed back south so we can meet the rest of the family for the evening clam dig. On our way south we stopped at the Hoh, the Salmon, and Humptulips and didn't see a single fish. As a consolation for a long day we did get our razor clam limits.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All thumbs

It's November and I haven't done any fishing. I managed to smash my left thumb on my boat trailer which required a trip to the emergency room and a bunch of stitches. It's healing ok. The bummer part is that I can't fish.

The only good part is that we were home when it happened and we were able to get the boat out for one more shake down cruise before putting her away. The boat is at the dealer now getting winterized and getting the EP-20 probes installed. One I get her back, I plan to weigh her at the scales so I can stop second guessing what the entire rig weighs.