Saturday, December 09, 2006

Bogey Steel

I couldn't resist and just had to go back up to the Bogey for another shot of a steelhead. I took off after work on a Friday and headed straight to Forks. The weather was good and the road was dry. I made it to Forks in 3 hours. I crashed at the Forks Motel and woke up early to try and beat the foot crowd to the better spots at the hatchery hole.

Everybody had the same idea! I overshot where I wanted to fish. I just kept walking focused at what my headlamp was shining on. Before I knew it I was at the big tree and had to back track. Unfortunately someone already camped out where I wanted to be so I just claimed a rock a few feet from the big tree and settled down till there was light.

As soon as it got light out the bite happened. There was a good bite for about an hour or so before it completely died. The guy to my right hooked up first. Then the two guys to my left. Then it was my turn. Shortening up the leader at the fast run made a big difference. The fish pounced on the pink corkie and yarn.

I was able to land the hen and then the bite was over. A few guys at the tail out hooked a few more fish but after that it was dead.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Bogachiel Brats

Tim, Clint, and I made it to the Bogachiel for a one day session fishing for steelhead. The cold and icy weather before the day of the trip was a real concern since the Forks area roads gets icy real quick. A brief weather window opened up for us to make th trek.

We saw about a dozen fish caught at the hatchery hole including Tim's first Bogey brat. Unfortunately, I believe that we were not in the right seam or lane to get at the fish. Most of the fish came from the hatchery side early in the morning. Only 2 fish were hooked at our side of the river.